Mette Pedersen MD. Ph.D.
Ear-nose-throat specialist
Summary of qualifications
President and Chair at the Seventh World Voice Consortium Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark
Thesis title: biological development and the normal voice in puberty, Gentofte University hospital ENT Dpt. lead by prof. M.Tos and Oulu University, Phoniatrics, Finland
Ear-Nose-Throat specialist Copenhagen
Medical final university examination, Copenhagen
The first paragraph 3 special contract with the Copenhagen Healthcare System for stroboscopy and voice diagnostics of voice disorders.
Ear-Nose-Throat practice and Phoniatric practice, the Medical Center, Østergade 18, 1100 Copenhagen Denmark
Ear-Nose-Throat practice, Strandgade 21 Christianshavn, 1401 Copenhagen Denmark
Appointed at hospitals in Denmark and United States leading to the qualification as a specialist in ear-nose-throat disorders and work as a phoniatrician.
Appointed Laryngologist consultant Bispebjerg and Hvidovre Hospitals, and the Copenhagen School Systems
Education, teaching, and other activities
Member of Global Delphi Panel: Artificial Intelligence in Otolaryngology. By invitation from Ashley Yeo Eun Kim, Weill Cornell Medicine. Paragraph: Videomics may reduce intra-and inter-rater variability in the assessment of upper aerodigestive tract endoscopy - PDF
Elsevier (2024). Editors of International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. The International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Certificate of Reviewing - Awarded for 22 reviews between April 2020 and May 2024 presented to Mette Pedersen in recognition of the review contributed to the journal. - CERTIFICATE
Attendee at "2nd BLA/UEP JOINT MEETING". May 24th, 2024 Zagreb (Presentation of the voice-related Biomarkers Committee)
Attendee at "The Head & Neck Imaging Workshop" at The Danish ENT Academy (DENTA) and CEREBR8 UK, Nov. 15-16, 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tutorial speaker on "State of the art in Vocal Folds Optical Coherence Tomography" at AIOLP Congress, Oct. 6, 2023, Milan, Italy.
Attendee at "The inaugural BLA/UEP joint meeting" hosted by European Laryngological Society, Sep. 14, 2023, London, England.
Attendee at "14th Congress of the European Laryngological Society", Jun. 21 - 23, 2023, Milan, Italy.
Speaker on "Quantitative Examination of Vocal Folds, Perspectives for Image Analysis and OCT with Ultra-High Resolution" and chair by invitation at "Research forum: Voice" at the 30th Congress of Union of the European Phoniatricians, Apr. 27 - 30, 2023, Antalya, Turkey.
Speaker on "Technical risk and bias of high-speed video and stroboscopy" at the round table in Laryngology on Deep learning applied to laryngeal evaluation. By invitation, at the 6th Congress of European ORL-HNS, Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 2022, Milan, Italy.
Attendance on webinar "Functional dysphonia revisited in perspective of the world voice day 2022"
Speaker on "Genetics and voice production in childhood and adolescence" at "Human Genetics and Genetic Disorder Webinar".
Attendance at "The Professional Voice" at Royal Society of Medicine
Attendance at "Singing voice therapy" at European Academy of Phoniatrics EAP
Speaker at Gynecology and Obstetrics Webinar 2021 "Hormonal regulation of normal voice production in adolescence, A review" Coalesce Research Group
2020 - 2024
Reviewer at International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Elsevier
Deputy board member of Danish Union of Voice Association
European Academy of Phoniatricians, 4th Course on Voice Therapy. Izmir, Turkey.
ShapeOCT. University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom.
AQL Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
World of Photonics, Munchen, Germany
ShapeOCT Final Meeting, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark
Excellence in Pediatrics - Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA), Florence, Italy
HØPA Yearly meeting, Doctors danish association for hearing aids, Nyborg, Denmark.
Board meeting, ShapeOCT, Optical Coherence Tomography meeting, Danish Technical University
Capital Region meeting of Articificial Intelligence, Copenhagen.
Symposium on Phoniatrics: Communication (voice, speech, language, hearing) & Swallowing. Ghent, Belgium.
Editorial Board Membership, Journal of Otolaryngology: Research
Chair of a symposium and Presenter at World Phonocon 2017, New Delhi, India
Presenter at IFOS 2017, Paris, France
Presenter at 10th American Pediatrics Healthcare & Pediatric Infectious Diseases Congress 2017, Toronto, Canada
Presenter and Chair of symposia at 4th Congress of European Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Barcelona, Spain
President, Presenter and Chair at the Eight Annual COST2103 Voice Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark
President, Presenter and Chair at the Seventh World Voice Consortium Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark
2016 - 2024
Reviewer at Lasers in Medical Science and International, Springer
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Community, Medicine and Health Care
DTU Optical Coherence Board Meeting, Technical University of Denmark, DTU, Lyngby, Denmark
Vestibulary rehabilitation, Meeting by Danish Hearing association, Interacustics, Middelfart, Denmark
Mid-European Workshop by European Academy of Otology and Neurotology, Berlin, Germany
Yearly Congress of Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangpädagogen (BDG), Hannover, Germany
Participation at: Interdiscliplinary Symposium, Music Performance, Art and Neuroscience in Dialogue, Tübingen
14th Biennial Phonosurgery Symposium, Fluno Center, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Meeting: Stimmerkrankungen bei Schauspielern und Sängern, Vienna, Austria
Photonics West, SPIE BiOS, Optical Imaging, Therapeutics, and Advanced Technology in Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology 6-9th of March, San Francisco, USA
High table by invitation 7th of March, Christchurch, Oxford
Danish representative at 1st European Academy of Phoniatrics Course, 1-3 of May, Brussels. Responsibility: Evaluation of recommended published literature. Download Proposal for the Library of European Academy of Phoniatrics
Kick-off meeting ShapeOCT, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen
11th International Conference in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research (AQL), London UK
10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Naples Italy
Editorial Board Member of Jacobs Journal of Otolaryngology
The 7th Scientific Meeting of the Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society, London, UK.
Editorial Board Member of Interventional Pediatrics & Research (IPDR)
SPIE Photonics West BiOS, LASER, San Francisco, USA
Royal Society of Medicine, Genomes in the clinic, London, United Kingdom
XXII Annual Pacific Voice Conference (East), Technology in Voice & Speech Services, Krakow, Poland. Presentation by invitation.
Royal Society of Medicine, Music and the brain, London, United Kingdom
Board Member, ShapeOCT Meeting, Institute of Photonics, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark
OCT meeting, Technische Universität Dresden, Medizinisch Theoretisches Zentrum, Dresden, Germany
XXVI. Jahreskongress des Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangpädagogen, Dresden, Germany
Editorial contributor, Board Member, Advances in Cellular and Molecular Otolaryngology
Dansk Selskab for Otolaryngologi, hoved- og halskirurgi's efteruddannelseskursus
XXVII Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians, Chair Function, Moscow, by invitation.
16th Annual Course and Conference on Voice & Disorders and Singers, Wien
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Study and review, Pharmacogenetics and voice, 21st Annual Pacific Voice Foundatation/ University of California, Los Angeles Voice Conference, Los Angeles, USA
World of Photonics Congress, Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics, 13-14 May, München, Germany
Workshop on Genetics at the 2nd meeting of European Academy of ORL and Head & Neck Surgery, Nice, France
25 Jahre Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangspädagogen, Meinz, Germany
Presentations by invitation at 20th International Federation of Oto-rhino-laryngological Societies (IFOS) World Congress, Seoul, South Korea: New frontiers in Laryngology, title: Pharmacogenetics and voice related personalized medicine.
Pacific Voice Conference, by invitation. Updates on Techniques for Laryngeal Imaging: Advanced scanning in laryngology part 1+2 Contemporary Evaluation of Dysphonia: What we can learn about dystonia from high speed digital imaging (HSDI) of the glottis.
First Assembly of the European Academy of Phoniatrics, University Hospital, Aachen, Germany.
European Association for Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine World Congress, Bruxelles, Belgium
3rd Congress of Dysphagia - Diagnosis and Treatment, a multidisciplinary challenge, Malmö, Sweden
12th Annual London MDT Head & Neck Imaging Course, Northwick Hospital, Great Britain
Target Meetings 2nd World Clinical Diagnostics Online Conference
SPIE Conference 8207C - Optical Imaging, Therapeutics, and Advanced Technology in Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology, San Francisco, USA
Laser 2012. American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery (ASLMS) Conference, invited speaker
European Laryngological Society Conference, invited session Union of European phoniatricians
Internatiol Society for Music Education in Thessaloniki
The 8th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics Erlangen
Tutorial on Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, International Conference and Exhibition on Otolaryngology, by invitation, OMICS Group Conferences, Chicago, USA
Using Complete Voice Technique in singing and speaking, British Voice Association, Nottingham, UK
Presentation. Pharmacogenetics and Voice - The 5th International World Voice Congress, Luxor Egypt. By invitation.
Bioengineering Applications in Performing Arts and Entertainment Industry Conference, Santa Clara, CA
Conference. Union of European singing teachers Detmold, Germany.
AVFA Advanced Voice Function Assessment, Frankfurt, Germany
CoMeT Collegium Medicorum Theatri Annual Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany
European Association of Music Education, Gdansk Poland
XXVIth Congress of Union of European Phoniatricians, Lund Sweden
In the Board of Bioengineering Applications in Performing Arts and Entertainment Industry (BAIPAEI)
Danish Representative of PHONOSCOPE: Voice-Speech- Swallowing Clinics in Head and Neck Practice. The Official Journal of the Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation
Danish Representative for 29th International Society for Music Education (ISME) World Conference
Instruction Course on the clinical use of high speed film, Erlangen, Germany
The PAMCOSF Winter Seminar:Trauma in Vocal and Piano Performances, UCLA, by invitation
8th World Congress on Brain Injury, Washington DC
18th Annual PVSF/UCLA Pacific Voice Conference, Los Angeles
The Voice Foundation’s Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The 7th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
International Society for Music Education World Conference, Beijing, China
Anspi 2nd Medical International Convention, Performing Arts Medicine, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. By invitation.
Chair Session. Spastic dysphonia, Pacific voice symposium 2009 LA USA
British Voice Association's conference "Seeing and Hearing Voice: Perception - Analysis - Imaging"
Advanced Voice Function Assessment International Workshop XIX IFOS Conference Brazil
Interspeech, Brighton UK, Co. Chair special session, advanced voice assessment
Schweizer Musik Symposium, Luzern - Switzerland
MAVEBA, Firenze
1st meeting of the European Academy of ORL-HNS in Collaboration with EUFOS 2009 Mannheim, Germany
Speech Therapists Meeting Copenhagen
International conference on advances in laryngeal biophysiology. Madison, United States, by invitation
Tampere summer school Finland, advanced voice assessment, by invitation
Advances in quantitative laryngology. Voice and Speech research, AQL Stockholm
Performing arts medicine. From prophylaxis to treatment Italy Agrigento (Sicily), Italy. By invitation.
European Conference of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head Neck.
10COST action group 2103 on advanced voice assessment, Danish representative
XVI Pacific Voice Conference, PVSF/UCLA Voice Conference, Los Angeles, CA, by invitation
European Conference of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck. Evidence-based larynx voice assessment. Instruction course
12th Congress of the International Rhinological Society, Venice
5th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, Firenze
Orlando international electronic symposium on knowledge communication and peer reviewing
Austrian Voice Institute VIIth International Voice Symposium
Heidelberg: der 23. Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie
Evidenz in der Gesang-Forschung XVIII. Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangspädagogen (BDG)-Jahreskongress Kassel 2006
European helicobacter study group: Esophageal Impedance Manometry & Impedance pH, a course in esophagus measurement
World Conference on Gastroenterology
Wiener Gesangswissenscaftliche Tagungen
Roundtable: IFOS XVIII Congress - Rhinology and Allergy - Therapeutical Challenges in A.O.M. & Otology and Skull Base research of laryngeal remobilization for bilateral paralysis
Course of statistics, Nordic Cochrane group, Professor Douglas Altman
EUFOS Congress Courses: Videolaryngo- Stroboscopy And Phonetography - Basic Tools, Early Diagnosis of Voice Disorders Using the Combination of Video-Kymogaphy and Videostroboscopy. Arytenoid Adduction: Alpha to Omega! How's that?
Rhodos, EUFOS: Leader of a symposium on evidence-based research of vocal nodules & Moderator instructional course: Child Dysphonia
Courses of computerized stroboscopy and surgical treatment of benign vocal neoplasms, based on computerized stroboscopy, Professor Cornut
Laryngograph: One-day voice workshop at the City Hospital Birmingham
Course of neurophysiologically related voice disorders, Professor Wellens
Initiator the VONOD group, 3 meetings in Copenhagen and two at the Univ. College London, thereafter Copenhagen 2004, London 2005
Leader of the first voice laboratory in clinical praxis in Denmark
UK Cochrane Centre: Developing a Protocol for a Review, Radchliffe Hospital Oxford
Course Cochrane protocols and reviews, University of Oxford
Leader of course in allergology for ear-nose-throat specialists, University hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
Course in language science, University of Lund, Sweden
1986 -
Danish representative in the European, East and West, Phoniatric Union, by invitation.
International workshop on phoniatrics, Torino, Italy
Member of the European phoniatric union (UEP), working group for electroglottgraphy, by invitation
Head of the Danish phoniatric society
Teacher at course in phoniatrics, the Danish society for phoniatrics, logopedics
Course of laboratory electronics, University of Århus, Denmark
Course of medical research, University of Århus, Denmark
Course of voice disorders, Karolinska Institution, Stockholm, Sweden
Course in management and administration, the Danish Medical Union
Course in work associated medical disorders, the Danish Medical Union
External examinator at the education of speech therapists at University of Copenhagen
Course in statistics, the Danish Medical Union
Secretary in the Danish phoniatric society
(See all presentations under Presentations)
Musical education
Singing Mühlerlieder and Wintereise (Schubert) Dichterliebe (Schumann) Vier ernste Gesänge (Brahms) Verdi, Mozart, R. Strauss-aries
Piano Beethoven sonater, Bach pieces, incl. Italian concert. Schumann Kinderscenen a.o.
2014 -
Bayreuther Festspiele, Wagner Festival, Germany
1999 -
Salzburger Festspiele, Austria
Karen Heerup; private song education Numerous master classes
Private piano lessons, Teddy Teirup
Jolanda Rodio; private song education
Permanent soloist in the High school choir
Private piano lessons, E. Munk
Professional occupation in Laryngology
Nomination Danish delegate European COST-action 2103, Advanced Voice Assessment.
Copenhagen school systems, consultant Laryngologist
Hvidovre Hospital, consultant Laryngologist
Bispebjerg hospital, consultant Laryngologist
Copenhagen Singing School, Skt. Annae Gymnasium, consultant Laryngologist
-And others.
Professional memberships
Member of the Education Committee for Phoniatrics
Member of the gorup from University of Stanford: AI in Upper Aerodigestive Tract Endoscopy
Member of the Union of the European Phoniatricians Biomarker Committee
2016 -
Member of Dansk Vokalforening
Member of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
Honorary Member of Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation
Membership of Indexcopernicus
1998 -
The English Royal Society of Medicin (FRSM)
1990 -
By invitation, Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangpädagogen and others
1976 -
The Danish medical union, union of ear-nose-throat specialists
By invitation, Danish representative, the Union of European Phoniatricians
Foundations and prizes
MD Herbert H. Dedo Award for Enhancing Education in Laryngology and Voice Care
Dr. Hans von Leden Life Achievement Award In the Field of Voice Care, XII Annual Pacific Voice Conference
Honorary member of Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation
Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation Award, For Significant Contribution to Voice Care and Science in Denmark
COST 2103 - Advanced Voice Assessment in Europe invited course on: Logopedics in the USA and EU
COST 2103 - Advanced Voice Assessment in Europe invited course on: Spasmodic dysphonia in the USA and EU
The Finnish phoniatric society prize (Thesis in Oulo)
Ernst and Young, registrar Kurt Rasmussen
Schering-Plough. Phonetograph and statistical analysis
The Danish Medical Science travel grants
Copenhagen School System, stroboscope, computer, frequency analyzer, intensity measurement set-up, sound treated room and software
P Carl Pedersens Fond, electroglottograph and oscilloscope
Danish statistical research assistance (East Danish statistical foundation, Prof. Keiding, the Panum institute), 1980, 1985, 1998, 2002,2003,2004.
Other activities
Co-worker on OCT Beckmann Institute California and DTU Denmark.
2008 & 10
International conference on advances in laryngeal biophysiology, Madison, United States, Wisconsin (by invitation)
Invited to VI International Symposium on Tonsils and Mucosal Barriers of the Upper Airways (VI ISTMB)
Invited to Nordic ORL Congress Island
Invited to Round table in Rome, IFOS, (International Federation of Ear Nose Throat Societies)
Invited to Vocal fold physiology and biomechanics world conf. Marseille, France.
Austrian Voice Institute invited to their yearly conference in Salzburg, Austria.
Invited to The Russian Phoniatric Society. St. Petersburg
Invited to The European Union of Phoniatricians Prag.
Invited to Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangpædagogen, Germany
Invited to Leipziger Symposium, Germany
Invited to Berlin Humbolt University, Germany
Invited to The European Union of Phoniatricians Poznan, Poland
Invited co-worker and organiser at international conferences
Invited to Comet
Co-work with the firms FJ Electronics and Voice Profile for development of hardware and soft ware for voice analysis
Member and presenter of original works incl. Abstracts at international conferences incl. the European Phoniatric Union, Int. Ass. for Logopedics and Phoniatrics
Voice Symposium, USA.
Bundesverband Deutscher Gesangpädagogen
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Logopädie.
British Voice Association.
The European and World conferences in ear-nose-throat disorders.
and the World conferences of phonetics.
Original works accepted at Danish and foreign peer reviewed journals
Mette Pedersen Award Foundation, Prices on evidence-based voice research
Josipa Bainac, Professional Singer, Vienna.
Dr. Miriam A. Mosing, Ph.D., Stockholm
Dr. Joseph Schömicher-Thier, Salzburg
Prof. Thomas Murry, Cornell Institute New York
Taran Tatla, Consultant ENT & Head & Neck Surgeon
Yearly price COST Related Symposium Copenhagen, Prof. Krzysztof Izdebski.
Tanya Vestergaard Pacific Voice Conference Los Angeles, United States.
Krzysztof Izdebski Dr. Interspeech 2009, Brighton UK, advanced voice assessment, special session
Julie Pedersen Studies of logopedics San Fransisco with Dr Krzysztof Izdebski
Krzysztof Izdebski Dr. Management committee meeting of advanced voice assessment Tampere, Finland.
Julie Pedersen. European summer school of advanced voice assessment The 6th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics Tampere, Finland
Umbreen Yousaf MD. The 5th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics Japan
and others